Announcing Import Type

February 18, 2015 by Jeff Morrison

As of Flow 0.3.0, it’s now possible to import types from another module. So, for example, if you’re only importing a class for purposes of referencing it in a type annotation, you can now use the new import type syntax to do this.


Has this ever happened to you:

// @flow

// Post-transformation lint error: Unused variable 'URI'
import URI from "URI";

// But if you delete the require you get a Flow error:
// identifier URI - Unknown global name
module.exports = function(x: URI): URI {
  return x;

Now you have an out! To solve this problem (and with an eye toward a near future with ES6 module syntax), we’ve added the new import type syntax. With import type, you can convey what you really mean here — that you want to import the type of the class and not really the class itself.

Enter Import Type#

So instead of the above code, you can now write this:

// @flow

import type URI from 'URI';
module.exports = function(x: URI): URI {
  return x;

If you have a module that exports multiple classes (like, say, a Crayon and a Marker class), you can import the type for each of them together or separately like this:

// @flow

import type {Crayon, Marker} from 'WritingUtensils';
module.exports = function junkDrawer(x: Crayon, y: Marker): void {}


Like type annotations and other Flow features, import type need to be transformed away before the code can be run. The transforms will be available in react-tools 0.13.0 when it is published soon, but for now they’re available in 0.13.0-beta.2, which you can install with

npm install react-tools@0.13.0-beta.2

Anticipatory Q&A#

Wait, but what happens at runtime after I’ve added an import type declaration?#

Nothing! All import type declarations get stripped away just like other flow syntax.

Can I use import type to pull in type aliases from another module, too?#

Not quite yet…but soon! There are a few other moving parts that we need to build first, but we’re working on it.

EDIT: Yes! As of Flow 0.10 you can use the export type MyType = ... ; syntax to compliment the import type syntax. Here’s a trivial example:

// @flow

// MyTypes.js
export type UserID = number;
export type User = {
  id: UserID,
  firstName: string,
  lastName: string
// @flow

// User.js
import type {UserID, User} from "MyTypes";

function getUserID(user: User): UserID {

Note that we only support the explicit named-export statements for now (i.e. export type UserID = number;). In a future version we can add support for latent named-export statements (i.e. type UserID = number; export {UserID};) and default type exports (i.e. export default type MyType = ... ;)…but for now these forms aren’t yet supported for type exports.